Saturday 6 May 2023

Drugged up Psychos roaming the streets of Kalgoorlie.

Hello Dusty dreamers & diehards out there ,

Today's show is in a different format namely a blog post instead of the usual audio / podcast .

The topic is pretty serious and involves the psychotic drug addicts 

( PDA )

roaming the streets of Kalgoorlie .

During the past week ,

I had the unfortunate experience of encountering a PDA in Hay Street at about 10 am on a weekday.

He was on a bike yelling at the top of his voice with numerous expletives towards the world in general .

I don't know if this is a symptom of ice or meth amphetamine ?

It was pretty confronting and I failed to implement my strategy of acting the grizzly bear ( detailed in the Audio show from a few weeks ago, with the photo of a bear ....

 on my website ).

This strategy would have been ideal to shut him up and confront him.

These characters are sub human = a different species to us .

The psychos .

They are the lowest of the low .

Other names for these characters = 

Unforgivables , Undesirables , Unhinged psychos ,

Unbearables .

All of the above names exactly describe the sub human who I encountered in that Kalgoorlie street .

Of course they are on a knife edge with probably a real knife in their possession.

Drugged up , off their faces ,off the planet, full of hatred and aggression .

So why is this happening .

Sure Kalgoorlie Boulder has always had a drug reputation.

But this is far more  disturbing and brought in by newcomers to the town.

Part of the ugly face of the mining boom.

So walking down a street in Kalgoorlie in the middle of the day ,

Now becomes treacherous / dangerous.

I have seen glimpses of similar disgusting behaviour in the seedy side of Sydney in previous years ,

So now it's reached the Goldfields.

It's a shame for sure and certain.

Authorities with their conservative conventional methods of Operations , are always behind the play when it comes to stamping this out.

It will probably just get worse.

So get prepared for your own sad experiences of similar incidents.

It will be battles being fought by citizens on the streets against the psycho sub humans who are on a true war footing .

We all need to discover our inner Batman against these sub human jokers .

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